The Comfort of Predictability

I'm reading a romance novel. Not a series. Not a paranormal romance. Just a good old-fashioned boy-meets-girl romance novel. There is no question about how the book will end. The guy and the gal will certainly end up together and have a happily-ever-after ending. So, if I knew how the book would end before I ever … Continue reading The Comfort of Predictability

Guess What? I Wrote a Book.

I’ve talked a lot about vampires lately, so for those blog-hoppers who are unfamiliar with my novels, you might assume I write about the undead. Would it surprise you if I told you I didn’t? Well, it’s true. As much as I enjoy reading about vampires, I don’t write about them at all. So what … Continue reading Guess What? I Wrote a Book.

The Myth of Unconditional Love

Today, we’re going to talk about the concept of unconditional love. Soul-mates. Destiny. A key component in a paranormal romance novel is the magnetic draw between the two main characters. Often the heroine is able to capture the hero's heart in a way no one else can. Both are unable to resist the inevitability of … Continue reading The Myth of Unconditional Love

Dating a Vampire: The Pros and Cons

Today, I'm going to explore a very serious issue facing young women today: Vampire Dating. I won't get into the psychological implications of society's fascination with the undead (girls fantasizing about being with an older, experienced man who still looks good, the incredible appeal of immortality, the idea that there is a soul mate out … Continue reading Dating a Vampire: The Pros and Cons

Shamblers, Amblers, and Severed Heads: Zombies in Literature

Yeah, I like zombie books. Who doesn’t? Well, I used to be one of the zombie book haters. Or, rather, I just didn’t ‘get’ it. I stumbled through life, undereducated about the undead. Then, a co-worker gave me a stack of zombie books and told me to read them. So, I did. As a fan … Continue reading Shamblers, Amblers, and Severed Heads: Zombies in Literature