Summer Reads

What are you reading this summer? Whether you're heading to the beach, the lake, or just hanging out inside trying to avoid the heat, a good book is always a welcome distraction from everyday life. To be really honest, I haven't resonated with any particular book in a while. I've been doing a lot of … Continue reading Summer Reads

If it looks like a Pyramid

You’re scrolling through your phone and you see someone dancing in one of your social media apps. Why is she dancing? Because she’s so happy she makes a five-figure income every month selling stuff from her phone. And you can too! Ask her how! What is she selling? What company does she work for? Well, … Continue reading If it looks like a Pyramid

I Miss You, Dad

The week isn't technically over, but it feels like I'm coming to the end of a very difficult week. As I wrote earlier this week, the 13th was the 2-year anniversary of my mother's passing. Today, the 16th, is the 2-year anniversary of the day my dad left this earth to join her. Yes, they … Continue reading I Miss You, Dad

Open Door

Today, I've decided to participate in Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry prompt challenge. The challenge words this week are Door and Open. I am dedicating this haiku to my mom, who passed away exactly two years ago today. She was a beautiful soul who loved life, her family, books, and coffee. I miss her so … Continue reading Open Door

Resolution to Do the Bare Minimum

Yesterday I accomplished one of my New Year's Resolutions. I usually don't make New Year's Resolutions, like to lose a bunch of weight or to save a huge amount of money, because I'm undisciplined and I never accomplish what I set out to do. This year, however, I made a couple of resolutions to accomplish … Continue reading Resolution to Do the Bare Minimum